Investigating fluid mechanics in a sea kayak
Endlessly refilling a bucket to trickle water over little hands
Digging for crabs, and letting little animal activists release them from captivity
Watching baby sleep-breathing through a sarong tent on the beach
Curling up to watch playschool, cuddling a little body
Teaching the finer points of night swimming
Following pelican-chasers
Watching tropical thunderstorms from the balcony (corrugated iron roof and all)
Swapping stories with men with cracked faces and faded bush hats (their stories are more interesting)
Trying to show toddlers crocodiles (both of whom have visual systems based on movement)
Building sandcastles for others to knock over
Digging sandholes for others to hide in
Applying sunscreen thoroughly
I know I normally enjoy holidays, but it feels like I’m enjoying this one more.
Thank you for the smile this morning!