It’s not you, its them. It is o.k. to unfollow these people. I hereby release you from guilt.
- The twitter who can’t tell their story in 140 characters.
Four updates later and you’re still talking about that thing? Get a blog. UNFOLLOW.
- Someone who never answers you.
They may be cool, and clever, but you are a little bug to them. UNFOLLOW.
- The guy tweeting from his parents computer, thinking he is cool because he has all these gadgets he didn’t pay for. UNFOLLOW.
- The person who shares what their neighbour, or policeman is doing.
Get them to sign up. I’ll follow them. UNFOLLOW.
- “Thanks for the follow” people.
What am I doing for you? I am eavesdropping – you gain nothing unless you think this is a wierd popularity contest. UNFOLLOW.
- Blog-robot people.
Your twiiter stream is all about you. But you are more than your blogposts. We need human updates. UNFOLLOW.
- Peopel who cant’ spel.
Seriously. UNFOLLOW. (or reply with spelling corrections)
- Boring people.
There is a difference between “Shower didn’t help wake me up. Maybe coffee will.” and “My coffee is laughing at me.” (@Sheamus)
- “Please retweet/stumble/digg/share this post”.
I can decide that all by myself, thankyou. By all means share things you are proud of, but I already know to promote stuff I like. UNFOLLOW.
- Me>You people.
Anybody who is doing twitter because they think they have a lot to share fall into this group. This includes marketing types. UNFOLLOW.
NB. Any similarities between people discussed here and tweeple I have unfollowed recently is a pure coincidence. Please don’t DM in me in tears. You are psychologically unwell. (Well, you can’t. I unfollowed you, so ner!)
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